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MoU signed between the Integrated Transport Centre and LocationMind

LocationMind Co., Ltd. signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Integrated Transport Centre* (ITC) of the Department of Municipalities and Transport (DMT) in Abu Dhabi for technical cooperation in the fields of data analysis and data monetization. This MoU was signed in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates on March 7, 2024. The MoU was announced at the 10th Japan-Abu Dhabi Economic Conference (ADJEC).

Through this MoU, LocationMind will provide advisory services to ITC regarding data monetization. While ITC has built its own vast transportation data warehouse and analytics capabilities, LocationMind provides technical advice on monetizing data analytics when providing services to external agencies.

Using ITC's data on Abu Dhabi's location information, demographics, road network, we create dashboards based on themes such as transportation, tourism, smart cities, and health, and provide them to customers in each field. LocationMind has analyzed and monetized location information data from all over the world in various ways. The cooperation also aims to advance traffic analysis research and enhance the efficiency of transport services. Our strength is that we can commercialize various types of data while adding a high degree of added value, using the world's best analysis capabilities using AI.

The conclusion of this MoU was supported by the Japan Cooperation Center for the Middle East (JCCME). We appreciate the support.

*Integrated Transport Centre (ITC) (https://itc.gov.ae/en)

*LocationMind Co., Ltd. (https://locationmind.com/)
A technology venture from Ryosuke Shibasaki's laboratory at the University of Tokyo, which has been conducting research at the forefront of spatial information engineering.
We provide comprehensive services from data procurement to analysis and visualization.

mou signed